
It is shocking to discover that someone else has shared your intimate personal images or videos without your permission.  The shock can be even greater when the betrayal of trust is from a former partner.  However, once you discover that you have become a revenge porn victim there are 5 things you should do as soon as possible.

  • Document the incident

Being the victim of an attempted public shamming is no fun.  Your first instinct might be to delete all of the material that was sent without your permission.  You might also think of asking others who have received the material to delete it.  However, this would be a mistake.   Your first step should be to document and preserve evidence of the crime that has been committed against you.  This includes saving all text messages, phone call logs, emails, and social media posts that shared your intimate personal images or videos without your permission.  If you don’t preserve the evidence your victimizer may get away with what they have done to you, without consequences.

  • Contact the police

Your next step should be to contact law enforcement and report the crime that has been committed against you.  Typically this would be done by calling the non-emergency police phone number for the jurisdiction where you live.  This could be a County or City police department.  Revenge porn (also called non-consensual pornography) is against the law in at least 46 States and Washington DC.  It is illegal in Georgia.  It is important to promptly report revenge porn.  If you don’t report it, it will most likely continue.

  • Do not communicate further with the perpetrator

You may be tempted to contact the perpetrator.  However, if you do contact the person who has victimized you, you are doing exactly what they were trying to get you to do.  You must remember that this person has committed a crime against you and will likely do it again if you continue to engage with them.  Block them on all platforms and do not communicate with them again.

  • Self-help

Studies show that victims of revenge porn can suffer lifelong mental health consequences.  It is important for you to take care of your mental health.  If you are able to meet with a professional therapist or counselor, you should.  If this is not an option, you should look into online resources for victims of revenge porn.  This site and others have some good resources.  Regardless of what you decide to do, it is critically important that you take care of your mental health following a traumatic incident like revenge porn.

  • Call an attorney experienced in this area

Finally, you should reach out to an attorney experienced in laws surrounding revenge porn.  Victims of revenge porn now have more rights and legal recourse than ever before.  The lawyers at would be glad to discuss your options.  Regardless of who you contact, you should speak to a lawyer.


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3455 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326, United States